Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Blog Post 4

The first article that I read was the listening-comprehension podcast, the main objective that Ms. Tolisano was getting to was not for her students to have fun with the garbagband tool, but to able to listen, comprehend, use speaking skills, and critically think about the stories. She said for kids to learn new vocabulary words, the students has to hear the word at least 70 times. Podcasting is a great way to hear the word used in different ways and different sentences. Watching the benefits of podcasting in the classroom , really opened my eyes to what I can do whenever I become a teacher. It can help the students relate to learning in more of a relevant way. It can help my students use higher thinking skills that they can use in later in life. Using my own podcast this semester, can help me later on in life because I can use it in the classroom when I become a teacher. Jody Scharf Podcast Collection really helped me understand what exactly a podcast is. I was really unsure of what a podcast is and what you have to do. This helped clarify what I have to do when I do my Podcasting project.

1 comment:

  1. "... in the classroom , really opened my eyes..." omit comma

